Hip Check 4/23
Happy Earth Day! Oh wait, that was yesterday. Shutup.
The Nuggets Up 2-0 With Another Blowout: This is weird. The first time the Nuggets have 2 games – that’s right 2 – in a playoff series since I’ve been in Denver. I’m kind of unsure what to do about it. Do I celebrate? Do I act humble? Do I drive to Chauncey Billup’s house, weep at his front door, break in and try on his wife’s clothes?
Orlando, Miami Win: What happened to the Magic the last few weeks? They better wake up, they should be easily handling the Sixers. And in the all important, “play to see who loses in the next round” match-up, Wade leads Miami to a win. Apparently I’m supposed to be impressed. Sorry guys, but the East belongs to the Cavs, the road is too easy for them.
NFL Draft: It’s too complicated and too in-depth for me to make any comments on. Oh wait, oops.
MMA: In case you missed it, Chuck Liddell lost – again – last weekend. I love the guy, but clearly his time is up. Unfortunately in the world of MMA, one day you’re bangin’ porn stars and knocking people out, the next your bangin’ porn stars and making a bunch of money training nerds. It’s a tough, tough life.