Denver Nuggets Finally Complete Trade for Anthony Carter
DENVER — The Denver Nuggets are breathing a sigh of relief. Even though it was difficult, they were finally able to trade the perennially mediocre Anthony Carter.
“We knew we’d have to give up a lot to get rid of him. And if that meant trading Carmelo Anthony, god dammit, we were gonna do it,” team president Josh Kroenke said in an unprepared statement.
“He was a god damn drain on my team,” Coach Karl said. “I don’t know why I even played him. I mean, sure, he had maybe 3 decent games for us and hit one shot that actually meant something, but outside of that I felt like I was staring a blank wall when I looked into his eyes.”
The team’s hatred of Anthony Carter, or AC, was apparently widespread.
“We called him AC, alright,” said J.R. Smith. “But when we said it, we usually meant ‘ass clown’ or ‘anal cunt.'”
Fans are also reacting positively to the trade.
“Carmelo got sucked into a deal that simply had to be done,” said Jimmy Curley. “It’s unfortunate, but you didn’t want to get Shawn Bradleyed by the guy.”